Friday 10 October 2014

'As they go through their day you’d never suspect the demons they fight alone – thoughts of neglect, of exclusion, of never being good enough for themselves, and certainly not for anyone else. You’d suspect that the brave face that they have for the world is the same one they have for themselves. But at day’s end, that mask comes off – it has to. They need to breathe.
But they cry because they live in a world with nothing meant for them, at least not in the way things are meant for others. They cry because their tears are their only solace; it is the only way they can ask for what they really need. Their hearts are broken but without any scars, their body cold; they are untouched and unloved. They feel it in their bones.'

Friday 3 October 2014

keep you off

We used to be so close, we used to say we'd always stay in each other's hearts, we used to feel so real, we used to know each other so well. 

Now we're just hot and cold and i don't even know how it lead to this, you were there for me when i was getting over a bad period of time and now it seems you're a resemblence of what might lay ahead again. 

You told me not to care about those who don't care for you, but how do i know if i should continue trying if i don't know what runs through your mind

I'm a daze and kinda lonely, you're gone but you're still in me, you're gone but your words resonate within me, you're gone but i always end up thinking bout you. 

I don't have anyone to talk this too, don't have anyone that understands, don't have anyone that has time for me

all i want to do is play games, feel the thrill, stay high and forget i miss you. You used to be so real, till life did something to you

Or maybe this was a illusion i always had and you were a willing party in it

You're just hi bye now and i'm just here waiting