Sunday 23 November 2014

You think, death comes in the form where you find a strong enough rope, tie a noose, hang it over a wall and kick yourself off the stool. 

You think, death comes in the form where you take in the excessive amounts of pill, drinking excessive alcohol and hoping to drift away, never to be awake again. 

You think, death comes in the form where you close the windows, open the gas in the kitchen and wait for the inevitable. 

You think, death comes in the form of jumping off a high enough point, jumping into traffic, waiting for your heart to stop.

All of that is wrong, so wrong, so far from the truth. 

Death is everyday, every hour from morning to night. It happens every second with every breath you take. 

Death is remembering all of your little habits, where you like to seat, how you want your food arranged, what cologne to use.

Death is looking at the seat infront of me, once filled with vibrant and warmth, 
now filled with nothing except coldness and pain. 

Death is having to order good for one, looking at a menu and remembering what you liked to eat. 

Death is lying in bed, realising you are no longer going to receive a message. No calls, nothing.

Death is coming home to a house thay fills empty and void of your presence, walking past the places you used to linger. 

Death is staying in school till late, and having no one to accompany you for supper. 

Death is not just the cessation of your heartbeat, death is everything without your touch. Death is where my heart no longer follow wherever you go.

Death is losing sight of you, losing your touch and warmth.

Death is, 
Everything without you.