Thursday 21 August 2014

The sum of all things added up

I think a suitable analogy for life could be one of equations. Why equations? Probably because everything adds up. Every single thing. 

Hardwork + motivation = good results. 
Hardwork + sense of duty = good results
Hardwork + resilence = good results. 

Why did i choose resilence? Because i know sometimes hardwork doesn't necessary breed excellent results or any signs of improvement. Sometimes we all fall and more often then not, things don't work out in ways we wished it would. 

Resilence, according to gerontology, basicially means, using adversity and hardship as a catalyst, as a transformation to create new opportunities and betterment. 

If you have resilence, you can get up after getting knocked down. You can push yourself a little bit more everytime fatigue seeps in. 

Resilence sounds like a wonderful trait,
One that might bring miracles for your sad gloomy life. But how does resilence all come about? Where is the limitless pool of resilence that one can float on? See that pun? Haha pool,float?? 

I'd say that resilence is like steel, forged at hot as hell temperatures. Its like making a sword you know, you have to be in a furnance, you have to get hammered, you have to get thrown in cold water. <- when u cool a hot material too quickly you'll weaken it. But eventually, you'll become a sword. You become steel. Life is burdensome with problems but life becomes meaningful when you overcome it. 

Well thats for resilence, what about the equation of friendship? A real, lasting friendship. 

I hate to say it but theres really no one definitive equation for what fomulates a true friendship, but i think this is a pretty sound one.

Shared experiences + assurances + kept promises = lasting friendship? 

At this point of time, the girl beside me on the bus is looking at what i'm typing. Hello there prettyhead. I'm Ernest. Wait don't look away now!! Hahahahahahaha whatever girl. 

Back to my point. Shared experiences because every friendship has their breaking point and i guess what the glue that holds them together till the very end is falling back on what you and your friend has went through together.
It could be bad, it could be good. But at the end of the day, memories and feelings emerge from such experiences. Cherishing them and wanting for more of such could be a driving factor in not giving up. 

Assurances. Face it. You need some sort of assurances. To whatever degree, it depends on your character. No wait, personality.  If you have a close friend that you don't particually get to see every week or month, and then you realise that hey, she has some pretty close friends too. Some close to her heart as well. You gotta admit, you'll probably feel a little sense of paranoia; is person A gonna replace me? Is that person more valued? Don't deny. This situation can be explained by using one of the sociological imagination theories - conflict perspective. There is an underlying tension in society and a competition for resources - power, money, friendship, land. 

Another thing i wanna talk about. What do you want to be remembered as? I don't want a copy and paste kinda answer when people ask about me. 

I'm fully aware that i can be quite an asshole sometimes. But hey thats just who i am. I want to be remembered by my close friends as an asshole thats actually pretty nice and loving.

By my cadets as someone that left a legacy behind, someone to look up too, someone to put your faith and trust in. 

By my significant other as someone that would do anything for you. Someone that  loves you wholeheartedly. Someone that will protect and cherish you. 

What do you want to be remembered as? Whatever the answer, live your life according to it. Leave something worth remembering. Be someone worth remembering. 

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