Monday 28 January 2013

Chapters after chapters.

A trip down memory lane. I miss us. The pair of bestfriends everyone thought would actually see through till graduation.
Part One: The first time we met, I had no idea you’d matter this much to me.
 I don’t remember clearly how we met or what brought us together. I'm guessing its NCDCC and NDP. i'm glad i went. But at first, I didn’t think we’d get close. It was only after NDP where we actually had proper conversations. You offered the most genuine friendship anyone could ever ask for and it was sincere. I guessed that’s what made me to trust my instincts and give it a try. We exchanged numbers and from there it was a kickstart to something amazing. How was I suppose to know that I was in for one hell of a friendship, an amazing one.
Part Two: You made me talk about things I’d never imagine myself talk to anyone about.
Over the period of a few weeks, we got close. I could say, I was happy at that point of time. The many conversations we had, the outings. It was no surprise to me that we’d become this close. Our friendship, it was real. And I’m not afraid to say that. You made me open up about things I never imagine myself talking about, what more with a girl? At this stage, things were okay. But I knew things were just starting to get better.
Part Three: The Uphill & The Downhill.
The next few months, a rollercoaster ride. I could say you pretty much became the person I trusted my secrets, my dreams, my nightmares, my ambitions with. You became the person whom I turn to. Sad to say, over this period of time, something happened to me. Everything was taking it’s toll on me and well I could say I was slowly torn apart. But at that point of time that I’d thought everyone would leave, you and a few others proved me wrong. I honestly can say that you saw me at my absolute worst but you stayed. I never really broke down infront of you though, but i guess you knew what i was feeling then. though you didn’t had the words to say to me, you just sat there with me.. Our texts started to become more, personal, I can say. In a way where people were sure we were bestfriends. You’d sent me the occasional “goodmorning” and “goodnight” messages and a whole part of our memories were created during this period of time. Though we had our share of fights, it was always resolved. Well, before this they were. It was hard for either of us to not give in and we were sure we made up. Every time we fought, I became so sour that it amused me how much it affected me.  Now I know why. It also amazed me how you sticked with me even when I self-harmed, even when I felt I couldn’t stick by myself. We told each other secrets that only the both of us would know. You brought out the good in me and subconsciously, I brought out the good in you.  I hope you appreciate whatever i wrote in the letter for you . To sum this all up, we had our ups and downs but needless to say, you’re the person I could never lose.
Part Four: Everyone makes mistakes, even the people we love.
The present. Well, I made a mistake. A stupid one. And honestly right now, I regret it so so much. Funny how things can change over a period of thee weeks huh? All those memories. I had to admit, you were part of the reason why I did and didn’t enjoy this year. With everything that has been happening to me, you were there through it all. It’s sad to admit that I’ve kind of lost you. It’s just not the same anymore, things aren’t the same anymore and you know that. I know that. And it sucks cause I’ve grown so used to us talking everyday. I’ve grown so used to knowing that you’d be there everytime I’m down, about to fall apart or anything else. Maybe it’s my fault for hoping too much but still, it’s a waste things had to change. I miss you, I miss us. Looking back at our conversations, it was a lot to take in actually, the then and now. I’m still very sorry things are the way there are now.

I don't know where should i go now. which ever route i take will definitely bring me pain. and i'm tired of it. 

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