Friday 18 January 2013


Friday! Enough of the sad posts and all, shall post something that i'm passionate about, NCDCC!

So NCDCC training today went pretty well tho we got off to a rough start. Alot of critical thinking was needed to make fast decisions on the spot. Thank god i made the right ones. So we kicked off training by having Muster Parade ( a more regimental way to take attendance) after i was done with the parade, i send the secondary 1 cadets up to the holding room where my sergeant that i'm mentoring, introduced them to year1 programs while i handled some footdrill matters like teaching some of the cadets how to conduct an muster parade. It took around 25minutes.

After that, i went up to the for around 40minutes to see how my sergeant was doing. Introduced myself to the green horns again and talked to them abt NCDCC and some of my experiences in some courses. Played a short game and left to do footdrill again. Went down to again to train their footdrill heh 'KELEWANNNNN HORMAAAATAN  SEDIAAA!' Guard of honor, ATTENTION! Hahaha had fun teaching them NDP marchings. Introduced them to slowmarch too, hahah ahh the memories.

Did a little motivational talk to the secondary 3s as they're gonna take over once i pass out. So worried for them. Sigh, lets hope the secondary 3 understand the importance of the 5 Values i taught them - Integrity, Respect,Punctuality, Empathy and Responsibility.

Some pictures :)

hahaha wise me being wise....

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