Saturday 22 February 2014

Floating by

I like to think of kayaking as another analogy for life. 

If we paddle too hard, we'll lose control. 
If we paddle too hard with someone by our side, we'll lose control as well and not only that, you'll hit your partner beside you and then you would send her spinning. 

This teaches us that we shouldn't always give 100% in life. We have to cut back, pull out of life sometimes. If not, we risk spinning out of control and we might just bring someone down with us.

If we paddle too slowly while against the current, we will stay stagnant & soon enough, we will begin to retreat back.

This teaches us that if we don't take measures to keep up with the pace of life, we'll become outdated, irrelevant and at the losing end.

If we paddle too slowly while the current pushes us along, our kayaks would start to proceed into a different direction, one that isn't what we intended. 

This teaches us that even if we keep up with the pace of life, we should not be complacent because complaceny might remove you from the road to success and drift you into another one that takes even longer for you to succeed. 

When we capsize, regardless of whether isit because we paddled too hard or we drifted into another direction or we took in too many problems, we have to stay calm and perform the capsize drill in order to safely escape from the kayak.

This teaches us that even if life has managed to knock us down to our knees, if we keep our cool and our faith, we'll be able to overcome it even tho if its painful at first, with all the clogged water in your nose and ears. 

I don't know if i make sense, i think i do.
Anyway, 2-star kayaking is finally over.
A pretty good experience! 

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